Outdoor Learning Facilitator | Consultant | Enthusiast
Welcome to OutdoorClassrooms.Scot – We are outdoor learning specialists who above all else are simply passionate about sharing outdoor spaces with others.

We work with schools who hope to build capacity and utilise an outdoor pedagogy.
The wide and varied benefits of Outdoor Learning are well publicised and Scotland is widely recognised as an emerging leader of it.
The GTC Scotland Professional Standards are underpinned by Learning for Sustainability. Outdoor Learning is a key way of creating coherent, rewarding and transformative learning experiences. These professional pressures can be overwhelming and become a barrier in themselves. We recognise the need for support.
At OutdoorClassrooms.Scot we are experienced in curriculum delivery in the outdoors and in coaching/mentoring. We combine these skills to help you connect with your place in an efficient, safe and sustainable way.

Please have a browse to discover more about who we are and what we offer. We can tailor support to your individual needs, strengths and challenges.
If you would like to contact us to find more about what we can do for you, please get in touch via email: info@outdoorclassrooms.scot or via Twitter @OutClassScot